CFP: Discourses of Exclusion: Theories and Practices


                                                       The way we imagine discrimination or disempowerment often is more
                                                       complicated for people who are subjected to multiple forms of exclusion.
                                                       Kimberle Williams Crenshaw

                                                       We must not imagine a world of discourse divided between accepted discourse and
                                                       excluded discourse, or between the dominant discourse and the dominated one […]
                                                       We must make allowance for the complex and unstable process by which discourse
                                                       can be both an instrument […] of power, but also a hindrance, a stumbling block, a
                                                       point of resistance and a starting point for an opposing strategy.
                                                       Michel Foucault

This journal issue examines the discourses of exclusion in contemporary sciences and societies. By adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, we wish to explore various forms and spaces of exclusion as well as practices and ways of thinking that produce inequality. We are interested in articles examining theoretical and practical dimensions of exclusion: real-life contexts and experiences and conceptual systems – schemes, norms and relations that generate and resist exclusionary discourses.
We invite intersectional proposals from the fields of philosophy, sociology, literary and cultural studies, women’s studies, gender studies, studies of monstrosity, otherness and exclusion, interdisciplinary analysis of cultural texts and practices, discourse analysis, refugee studies, border studies, animal studies, science and technology studies, and environmental humanities.
In accordance with our standard publishing policy, we plan to publish articles (selected through peer review) in two parallel ways. Ultimately, the papers will be published in the thematic issue of AVANT journal. The deadline for submitting papers is December 31, 2023. However, it is worth taking into account that manuscripts submitted earlier are reviewed faster and published in Online First. This is beneficial for authors and will allow more flexibility in the editorial and publishing process.

Papers are limited to a maximum of 9,000 words, including all elements (title page, abstract, body text, notes, references, etc.). They should be prepared according to APA guidelines. The manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that have been reviewed, revised, and accepted by peer reviewers and editors will be published. Submissions should be made through our electronic submission system. When submitting your manuscript to the system, please include the information "Discourses of exclusion" in the “Comments for the editors” field (instead of a cover letter).

A guide for authors and a link to the submission system are available at

The issue editors:
Dr. Anna M. Kola (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
Prof. Katarzyna Więckowska (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
Prof. Aleksandra Derra (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
Dr. Michał Bomastyk (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at