
March 21, 2025, Toruń – „Nie tylko ambient. O kulturach słuchania i sposobach posługiwania się dźwiękiem”. Sympozjum Avantu (pl)

April, 2025, Athens – 1st Avant Colloquium Cognition and its Ecosystem

External events we recommend:

May 16–17, 2025, Lublin – Conference The State of Research on Logical Empiricism: On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Vienna Circle



February 13, 2025, Warsaw – „Od embriologii do… Filozofia i historiografia nauki”. Sympozjum Avantu (pl)

December 12, 2024, Torun – „Podmioty pozaludzkie w percepcji społecznej: między technofilią a technofobią”. Sympozjum Avantu (pl)

September 19–20, 2024, Torun – „Podmiot społecznie ucieleśniony”. Avant Seminar (pl). 14th Congress of the Polish Cognitive Science Society

June 27, 2023, Lublin – "Presenting science is an art." Conference summarizing the project (pl; co-organized by Avant Project)

June 2-3, 2023, Katowice, Poland – Multidisciplinary Avant Symposium “Living in the soundscape: from cognitive to cultural approaches and back”

November 18-19 2022, Torun, Poland – Sympozjum „Przeciwko zmurszeniu filozofii …“ / 13-lecie Avantu

September 12-13, 2022, Warsaw, Poland – Sympozjum „Wizualizacje w nauce“

July 1-3, 2020 [online] – Symposium Laboratory of Dance

October 24-26, 2019, Porto, Portugal – Fragmentation of Cognition: the trouble with interdisciplinary explanations. 4st Avant Conference TRENDS IN INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES   Program   Folder   Book of Abstract   Poster

June 14-15, 2019, Bydgoszcz, Poland – Sympozjum Filozofia dizajnu

May 23-24, 2019, Warsaw, Poland – 6th Avant Workshop Between computation and coordination: Distributed perspectives on language, cognition and text-based artefact

January 19-20,2019, Warsaw, Poland – Sympozjum Afordancje, czyli oferty

October 12, 2018, Warsaw, Poland – 5th Avant Workshop Inspirations: 20th-century Philosophy and Contemporary Studies on Cognition

October 11, 2018, Warsaw, Poland – Indeterminacy of Computation: lecture and working seminar

October 20-22, 2017, Lublin, Poland – Understanding Social Cognition. 3rd International Conference AVANT. TRENDS IN INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES

October 15-18, 2015, Warsaw, Poland – Situating Cognition: Agency, Affect, and Extension. 2nd International Conference AVANT. TRENDS IN INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES   Special Issue

September 27-28, 2014, Torun, Poland – Symposium A Laboratorium of Spring   Special Issue 1Special Issue 2

November 7-10, 2013, Torun, Poland – Thinking with Hands, Eyes and Things. 1st International Conference AVANT. TRENDS IN INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES   Special Issue

July 5, 2013, Torun, Poland – 4. Avant-Sesja Naukowo-Filozoficzna

April 26, 2013, Torun, Poland – 3. Avant-Sesja Naukowo-Filozoficzna

January 17, 2013, Torun, Poland – 2. Avant-Sesja Naukowo-Filozoficzna

June 29, 2012, Torun, Poland – 1. Avant-Sesja Naukowo-Filozoficzna

June 24-26, 2011, Torun, Poland – 7. Zlot Filozoficzny (co-organized by Avant)